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I’ve Suffered a Work Injury, Now What?

Suffering from a work injury can be a scary thing. On top of medical bills, regular bills, recovery, and potential future employment issues, your body will need to heal. But you don’t have to recover from a work injury alone. Instead, there are resources out there that will help you navigate the steps to take after suffering from a work injury. Whether you need rehabilitation, legal help, or even medication, there are steps you can take to make this difficult time easier.

Work Injury Network

WIN Injury Network is a great tool for those who have suffered from a work injury. Whether it’s something serious like a spinal cord injury or even traumatic brain injury, work-related accidents big or small all come with challenges. The first step in recovery is to put your health first and consider your options for medical care for your best shot at improving your physical condition long term. But medical care is not free and won’t always be covered. WIN Injury Network is a tool where you will be able to locate attorneys and get free advice on how to pay for medical costs going forward.

While some injured workers are covered under workmen’s compensation plans, even those plans don’t always cover every work injury. This network will help with medical, legal, and financial help after an injury. That is, if you needed care at someplace like the Baylor Rehabilitation Center, referral specialists at the work network would be able to put you in touch with people trained to help advocate for your medical and legal needs. They can specifically help with finding an attorney, advocating for you with health care and workers compensation programs, and providing financial support during recovery. At the end of the day, these specialists want you to know you are not alone and that your recovery and rights are their top priority.

Finding an Attorney

Finding the right attorney to represent you after a work injury will do wonders for your peace of mind. While he or she focuses on navigating the legal system and looking out for your rights, you will be able to focus on things like meeting with speech therapists, case managers, and others who are part of your treatment plan. Experienced professionals will handle the bulk of your legal struggles while you work toward healing.

But don’t settle for the first attorney who comes calling. Avoid ambulance chasers. Instead, prepare to ask questions and advocate for yourself before signing on the dotted line for legal injury representation. You will thank yourself for it later and may even be entitled to benefits you would otherwise not be aware of.

Seeking Medical Help

Insurance plans might not cover the specialists, medications, and treatments you need after a work-related injury. For this reason, a work injury network professional can make you feel less alone while navigating the healthcare system to best serve your individual needs. From advocating for coverage for that hefty occupational therapy bill to working with hospitals and other facilities to be sure you come out on the other side with a quality of life, network professionals will take care to help you coordinate all medical-related issues that arise after a work injury and you won’t feel so alone. Work injury network professionals work with their in-network teams of doctors to be sure all your needs are cared for while you recover.

Financial Support During Recovery

Many people don’t know that worker injury networks can also provide financial support during work-related recoveries. Professionals in these referral networks understand that paying bills on time is the last thing on your mind as you navigate the challenges of rehabilitative services ahead. For this, they take a teamwork approach that means working with you with discretion to handle those financial burdens as you work toward healing.

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