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How to Find a Disability Attorney for Your Needs

The idea of applying for disability benefits whilst you are ill or recovering from a health crisis can be overwhelming. A disability attorney with years of experience in social security disability insurance and law could be the answer to making things easier if you’re contemplating filing for them. If you aren’t sure whether you’d qualify for it, don’t know anything about how to apply for social security disability benefits, or are simply seeking legal advice on your potential disability claim, a disability law firm might be able to help. To learn more on how to find the right lawyer for your disability claim, read on.

Searching for the Right Lawyer

If you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic condition or have suffered from a serious injury and think you should file for disability benefits, it’s a good idea to start with an online search for disability law attorneys in your local area. For example, if you live in California and aren’t sure when you’ll be able to work again, then perform a Google search for a “disability attorney in Sacramento” (or the closest big city next to you).

When searching for a disability lawyer, pay special attention to that law firm’s primary mission. At Perkins Asbill, their mission states that their lawyers are passionate about helping clients and that they have two major areas of focus: business litigation and employment law. While they would work with you in a case of a business not providing reasonable accommodations for your disability that could help you to maintain employment, this would be the type of firm you’d want to call to see if they could also represent you in a social security claim.

Because different types of personal injury and disability or employment attorneys handle specific types of cases, the first step in finding a disability attorney to represent you is to create a list of any firms that you think might have an interest in your claim. This is why it’s important to call the law firm directly and ask about what they might be able to do for you before going in for a free consultation. You could find that you need more than one attorney to handle different parts of your legal situation.

Finding an Attorney who will Advocate for You

After searching for lawyers who might be able to help, you’ll want to set up initial visits. Most firms will meet with you for free to go over your legal options. When attending a free consultation, it’s important to bring as much of your paperwork, (including employment and medical records) as you can. While your potential lawyer won’t need to see your research on tips for a better nights sleep after an injury, they will want to look at any and all physical effects you’ve endured and so might need to know about any sleep deprivation you’ve been experiencing and so on.

When meeting with possible attorneys to hire, ask about their experience and what they will do to advocate for you. While any attorney will have multiple cases, you’ll want to choose someone you believe truly has your best interest in mind and will make your case a priority.

Choosing a Lawyer You Trust

The lawyer and client relationship are critical to the final outcome of your case. Whether you’ll be filling for social security or need a legal team to help you maintain employment, your best bet is to choose the lawyer you feel most comfortable talking to. Your ability to trust them will go a long way in your overall peace of mind as your case moves along. Pick someone you can communicate with comfortably and be upfront with them about any reservations before making your selection.

In the end, finding the right lawyer to help you earn disability benefits or keep your job in spite of a disability could be one of the best things you do for your overall health and peace of mind. If you aren’t certain how to navigate the SSDI or SSI progress or have had sleep problems worrying about how you’ll pay your bills when you can’t work, take a deep breath. Spend some time searching for a list of disability lawyers in your area and meet with them. Most disability lawyers offer free consultations. Bring with you any paperwork you have about your medical condition and make your final decision after a good night’s sleep. Once your disability claim is in their hands, you’ll be able to better focus on your health.

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